Zuyd University of applied sciences & Etil research group
Public-private research partnership
The Global Mind Monitor is the result of a unique collaboration between
Intl Relationship Management (IRM) Zuyd University & Etil research group
The research center of International Relationship Management is known for its relational management research in an international context, with special interest in cultural diversity and communication in interactions between organisations, employees and clients. This research takes place in collaboration, between institutions and organisations; between lecturers and students of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. As a knowledge institute within the Faculty of International Business and Communication, the research center aims to encourage students to develop an inquisitive and relationship-oriented attitude, to professionalise lecturers in the field of research and relationship management, as well as to strengthen Euregional business by conducting practice-oriented research and making relevant research results widely accessible.
Etil research group
As a research agency, Etil research group combines validated information and multiple perspectives: society, sector and organization. These 3 levels are brought together on user-friendly and versatile platforms (such as ArbeidsmarktInZicht.nl, LimburgAtlas.nl & OrganisatieInZicht). Etil research group conducts both quantitative and qualitative research, in all conceivable forms such as customer/employee satisfaction surveys, driver analysis and product research. Etil is independent, scientific and offers thorough research and innovative solutions.

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